The UF Health Shands Emergency Center-Kanapaha is a freestanding 15 bed Emergency Department located at 7405 SW Archer Road, Gainesville, Florida. This freestanding Emergency Center consists of two triage rooms, and 15 treatment rooms, including a room equipped for emergency procedures/resuscitation of critically ill patients.
The facility is equipped with an on-site laboratory, and radiology/CT & Ultrasound capabilities. Each patient room includes a cardiac monitor with central monitor station. ShandsCair ground unit is available 24/7, 365 days a year to ensure that transfers and admissions to the main hospital occur in a safe and timely fashion. We also have the capability of tele-health medicine to bring our experts to the patients for a consult or teleconference.
Description of Patient Population
The UF Health Shands Emergency Center-Kanapaha provides the highest quality, full-service emergency care to the residents of Southwest Gainesville and the surrounding areas. The Center provides assessment, triage screening, diagnosis, and treatment to all age populations that present to the facility. With the ShandsCair unit readily available, we have the capability to transport those patients requiring hospital admission and/or consultation to the main UF Health/Shands Hospital. The anticipated LOS is less than 4 hours.
Health Care Team
The physician staff consists of board certified Emergency Medicine Physicians. Other staff members include certified and specialty trained Registered Nurses, Paramedics, Respiratory Therapists, CT/Radiology technicians/Ultrasound technicians, and laboratory technicians. ShandsCair crews consist of an EMT/Driver and a Paramedic for our hospital transfers. Staffing also includes admission specialists, monitor support technologist (MST), critical care technician (CCT), and security personnel, along with Environmental Services (EVS) staff.
Nursing Care
The most common nursing care activities include the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of: potential or actual altered respiratory function, potential or actual altered cardiac function, potential or actual altered/impaired neurological status, potential fluid and electrolyte imbalance, potential or actual altered body temperature, potential impaired physical mobility, potential or actual altered comfort, potential or actual tissue/skin integrity, and potential or actual infection process. Patient and family discharge education related to the patient’s condition and treatment is essential element in the nursing care provided. Nurses care for all age populations as well as any diagnosis that may present to the facility. Unit requirements for registered nurses in the Emergency Department include completion of the following courses when hired or within 6 months hire to meet level 1 verification requirements (Nurses at Kanapaha will occasionally float to main/Pediatric ED and same for nurses working primarily from main/Pediatric ED to Springhill):
- ACLS provider
- TNCC provider
- ENPC provider or PALS provider
A department requirement is to attend ESI Triage training within the first year of hire and completion of orientation to triage after a minimum of 6-12 months experience or sooner if previous documented triage experience. An additional department requirement is completion of orientation of care of critically ill patients of all ages, and the ability, willingness, and interest to work with the age appropriate and developmental needs of patients.
Critical Care Technicians and Monitor Support Technicians meet the basic requirements for their positions, and they function in accordance with their unit-based job description as described in the Hospital Plan of Nursing Care.
Team Staffing Plan
Patient Care in the Kanapaha ED is based on the team approach to the provision of services to our patients. The team consists of the ED attending physician, RN staff, Paramedics, Respiratory Therapist, CT Tech, Ultrasound Tech, CCT, MST, ShandsCair crew (consisting of EMT and Paramedic), Admissions clerk, security officer, and EVS personnel. The team works under the direction of the Nurse Manager, Medical Director, and Clinical Leader. Overall adjustment of staffing mix, based on census, acuity and throughput times will be determined by leadership team. Day to day operations, patient flow, and specific patient care tasks will be directed by the Registered nurses and the ED attending. Each member of the team is responsible for their specific area of expertise and also responsible to the team to maintain flexibility and a positive attitude toward meeting our patients’ needs.
Revised 1/2021
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