Occupational Health Services (OHS) is a Core Service with its main office located on the first floor of UF Health Shands Hospital. The unit consists of five examination rooms, a waiting room, work stations, and staff offices. Each exam room is equipped with an exam table, automated blood pressure machine, thermometer, otoscope/ophthalmoscope, and other patient care equipment. Business hours are Monday-Friday from 0700-1700; satellite office are located at Shands Psychiatric Hospital.
Description of Patient Populations
OHS provides services to employees, contract workers and volunteers of UF Health Shands Hospital and select University of Florida staff across the enterprise. Customers are can schedule appointments or elect to be evaluated on a walk-in basis. OHS exists to provide the following services:
- Pre-placement screenings
- Periodic health assessments
- Preventative and prophylactic immunizations
- Return to Work/Transitional Work Programs
- Fitness for Duty evaluations
- Communicable disease surveillance
- Evaluation and treatment of communicable disease exposure, including bloodborne pathogen exposures.
- Evaluation, treatment and management of occupational injuries, illnesses, and exposures
- Health promotion/Wellness Events
- Compliance with drug free workplace policies
- Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Compliance with Family Medical Leave Act
- Ergonomics
- Recordkeeping
- Electronic database for the purpose of statistical analysis, tracking, and reporting of all OHS visits.
- Medical recordkeeping in accordance with the OSHA Recordkeeping Standard
- OSHA 300 log and posting of OSHA Annual Summary in accordance with standard.
- Infection Control Reporting: Tracking of epidemiologically significant infections and exposures.
- Environmental of Care/Safety Committee: Tracking of number and trends of occupational injury/illness/exposure, lost and restricted work days, along with safety variances
- Magnet Reporting: RN and support technician injury trending
- Quarterly injury trending and workers’ compensation costs reports to Senior Management
- Sharp Object Injury reports to nursing directors.
- Monthly/quarterly reports to specific departments upon request
- Screening, testing and RTW for COVID evaluations
- RTW for COVID+ employees
Nursing Care
Nursing care is focused on the assessment, diagnosis, planning, treatment, and evaluation of clients requiring outpatient, ambulatory care. Nursing activities include: pre-placement screenings, tuberculosis testing, immunizations, disease surveillance/trending, treatment of work-related injuries, bloodborne pathogen exposures, treatment of acute, self-limiting personal health conditions, and management of communicable disease exposures. Client and family education and emotional supports related to the client’s condition and treatment is a vital component of nursing care.
Health Care Team
OHS is an advanced practice registered nurse centered practice. Department management is provided by an advanced practice registered. The Medical Director is board certified in Family Practice and provides treatment/protocol agreement as required by the State of Florida. APRNs provide on-site care assisted by registered nurses and licensed practical nurses. All levels of nurses provide care within their legal scopes of practice and have met unit competencies. Nursing staff collaborate with physicians from the UF College of Medicine, Ergonomics program, Benefits, pharmacy, Employee Assistance Program, Rehab Services, and other health care providers and services as indicated by the client’s health status and needs. Other unit staff include a certified ergonomist, office representatives, and an administrative associate.
Reviewed 2/12/21
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